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Průzkum tvrze Skutina.

Zahájení betonáže prvního pěchotního srubu v úseku Králíky -objektu S-9.

Vytyčení uzávěrů Chrastava a Mníšek na Liberecku.

Porady nacistických generálů s Hitlerem - konkrétní příprava agrese proti ČSR.

Sudetoněmecký freikorps zahájil bojové akce proti obráncům čs. hranice včetně osádek LO.

Československá vláda přijala potupný mnichovský diktát. ŘOP nařídilo zastavit jakékoliv opevňovací práce.

Ota Holub:
Zrazené pevnosti,
Praha 1982

The Artillery Fortress of Smolkov

Between 1935 and 1938 the system of premanent fortification was built at the territory of Czechoslovakia. The fortification was aimed at detaining the attack of German army until the mobilisation would be carried out. The construction was partially based on the fortifications built along the Maginot Line in France.

The fortress Smolkov was also a part of the Czechoslovak fortification.The fortress Smolkov was built between 1936-1938, near the cities of Hlučín and Opava in North Moravia. This was the region where the main German attack was expected to take place. The fortress Smolkov consists of five military installations: artillery log cabin, infantry log cabin, artillery revolving tower, entrance building and artillery watchtower.

The fortress was supposed to have a garrison of 394 men. The main weapon of the fortress were supposed to be howitzers of 10 cm calibre, model 38., that were situated in the artillery log cabin and artillery revolving tower. Howitzers and artillery revolving tower were not constructed before the end of September 1938. The fortress was armed especially with heavy and light machine guns and anti-tank cannons.

On 30 September 1938 Germany, Italy, France and Great Britain signed the treaty in Munich, forcing Czechoslovakia to surrender a part of its border area to the nazi Germany.

The fortress Smolkov was situated in the surrendered area and the German army thus took hold of it without any fight. During the Second World War, the German Army tested artillery guns on the fortress Smolkov and some installations thus suffered a serious damage.

At present the fortress belongs to the Czech army and its underground areas are not accessible to the public.